Effective methods of traditional medicine for the treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis is a complex disease that affects the prostate. Its main danger is that no manifestations are observed in the initial stages of development. Meanwhile, destructive processes in the body continue. Pathology can cause severe psychological distress in men, but they are afraid to go to the doctor, so they persist until symptoms become more pronounced.


Prostatitis started to develop after 35 years. Risk groups include overweight patients and people with sedentary lifestyles. Causes the disease hypothermia, bad habits, the appearance of genitourinary infections. To get rid of this problem, you can treat prostatitis with folk remedies at home. But this method should only be used in conjunction with traditional medicine and after consulting a doctor.

Prostate inflammation occurs for a variety of reasons, so there are several types of disease, each with its own manifestations. The situation is exacerbated by the existence of secret stasis during organ failure. Pathology is acute or chronic.

acute development of the disease

Nervousness is the cause of prostatitis

If the disease comes on suddenly, the symptoms can be obvious. Signs of prostatitis include:

  • Body temperature rises to a high rate (38 degrees or higher);
  • pain, chills;
  • Lumbar, sacral, perineal pain syndrome;
  • disability, general weakness;
  • mood changes;
  • Serious sleep problems.

Prostatitis has specific symptoms:

  • Difficulty urinating and more frequent toilet trips (especially at night);
  • presence of mucus particles in biological fluids;
  • decreased urine output and color changes;
  • Severe pain every time I try to go to the toilet.

Every minute, the discomfort intensifies and spreads to the rest of the body.

Manifestations of chronic processes in remission and exacerbation phases

A patient with acute prostatitis should not assume that the problem will go away on its own without consulting a doctor - this is a myth. It becomes chronic. The performance will periodically subside and become worse. Distinguish the following signs of disease:

pain in patients with prostatitis
  • Itchy urethra.
  • Mild periodic pain in the perineum, rectum, and lower abdomen.
  • Increased urge to urinate at night, and retention of small amounts of fluid in the bladder.
  • Sexual function problems: erectile dysfunction, ejaculation.
  • Increased discomfort during sexual contact.

If chronic prostatitis is in the acute phase, the intensity of symptoms increases slightly. The patient becomes irritable and has an unstable emotional background.

A person often develops a state of depression in which he closes himself. If treatment is not started on time, there is a risk of developing adenoma and cancer.

Different symptoms of different types of prostatitis

There are different types of prostatitis depending on the cause:

type of pathology feature
contagious This prostatitis is caused by a variety of pathogens. It is characterized by dysfunction of the urogenital system, changes in the composition of blood and other biological fluids
germ This prostatitis is caused by a variety of pathogens. It is characterized by dysfunction of the urogenital system, changes in the composition of blood and other biological fluids
Calculated It develops due to the presence of stones (stones) in the glands. These diseases mainly occur in elderly patients. A person has the following signs: Pain in the pelvic or sacral area that worsens after sexual contact or other physical activity. Urine contains small amounts of blood due to damage to the walls of organs and ducts. Erectile dysfunction, irritation, apathy
stand still The composition of biological fluids did not change. Symptoms of prostatitis are mild. The patient has difficulty urinating, sometimes has an elevated temperature, and feels pain. The patient is in a state of anxiety. He can have sex, but with discomfort that diminishes the intensity of the orgasm
Purulent This situation is considered the most difficult. Symptoms become more severe over time. a person has pain, fever, and discharge of pus from the urethra

The symptoms of prostatitis in men are very similar to each other, with only minor differences in the characteristics of the presentation. If the disease is not treated, patients can experience impotence, urination problems, and psychological disturbances.

Prostate Treatment at Home

Many patients hope that the disease will go away on its own, but the reality is quite different. The longer a person delays seeing a doctor, the sooner the pathology becomes chronic. It is curable, but it requires timely examination and a comprehensive approach.

Treatment of prostatitis should address the following goals:

  1. Disruption of pathogenic microbial communities that lead to inflammatory processes.
  2. Improves microcirculation and blood circulation in the prostate.
  3. Eliminate swelling and congestion.
  4. Provides an increase in potency.
  5. Activates the glands to produce prostate juice.
  6. Block pathological symptoms.

Treatment at home is permitted if the disease is uncomplicated.

advantages and disadvantages

Herbs for Prostatitis

If you decide to use folk methods at home, you must first seek the advice of your doctor. The proven formula offers the following benefits:

  • Some herbs contain natural antibiotics and are therefore more effective against disease.
  • Medicinal plants combine a large number of useful substances and thus have multi-directional effects.
  • Stimulates the body's defenses.
  • Herbs cause fewer side effects than drugs.
  • Herbs can be used for a long time.
  • They relieve the stress and nervous tension that accompanies prostatitis.
  • Medications are provided for prevention.
  • They are able to solve several problems at once.
  • May be used in combination with drugs.

But this type of treatment also has some drawbacks. Herbs can also cause allergic reactions, and they enhance or weaken the effects of traditional remedies.

Indications for Prostatitis

If the patient is contraindicated (has an allergic reaction or has other restrictions), an alternative formulation is used. This treatment can be applied in the early stages of the development of prostatitis. It is best to consult your doctor first.

type of treatment

If the treatment is complicated and the patient follows all the doctor's recommendations, you can cure prostatitis quickly. Methods to combat this problem include medication, folk remedies, massage, and physical therapy. One must also follow the rules of sound nutrition.


The patient was prescribed the following medications:

  1. Rectal suppository. They are used to improve metabolic processes at the site of injury, eliminate spasms and inflammation.
  2. Inject immunomodulators.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This tablet stops the pathological process and relieves symptoms by reducing the intensity of inflammation.
  4. Enema based on herbal solutions.
  5. Instill the drug into the urethra.
  6. antibiotic. They should only be used after an agreement with a doctor has been reached and the susceptibility of the bacteria to the active substance has been passed on.
  7. Muscle relaxant. They are prescribed and only used when other medicines are ineffective.
  8. corticosteroids.
  9. Alpha blockers. These medications help relax smooth muscles and restore the process of urination.
  10. vitamins.
  11. Means to restore blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Physiotherapy Home Appliances

You can cure prostatitis in men at home with the help of a physical therapy program. For this, there is no need to go to the clinic. Modern devices are compact so they can be used at home. The following devices are considered the most efficient:

  1. vibrator. They help to get rid of pain, eliminate stagnant processes (prostate juice can be obtained due to the influence of gland products). The muscles of the perineum are conditioned and the intensity of inflammation is reduced.
  2. Electric shock. Electrodes can be rectal or dermal.
  3. Magnetic field effects. This technique allows you to eliminate swollen, painful prostate. At home, ordinary magnets are allowed. It is enough to put it on the perineal area every day before going to bed.

The device presented works well, but there are some contraindications to its use. You cannot use them in the presence of proctitis, rectal tumors, and worsening chronic diseases.

Completely curing prostatitis in this way won't work if it's in a state of neglect. However, when a special device is used in combination with medication and other methods, recovery can be accelerated. In difficult cases, patients require surgical intervention.

folk recipes

To prevent surgery, it is necessary to start treatment at an early stage of the development of the pathology. At this stage, folk recipes will work:

method feature
onion Requires 100g vegetables and 600ml dry white wine. These ingredients are mixed and infused for 10 days. Next, filter the liquid. You need to take 3 teaspoons of the medicine. Before eating. To prepare it, onion skins are also used. Wash it, put it in an enamel pot, pour 700 ml of water, and cook for 5 minutes on low heat. The drug is injected for one hour. After filtration, the liquid can be drunk within 0. 5 tsp. three times a day.
Chamomile Soup It is used in sitz baths to relieve the pain and general discomfort of prostatitis. The plant has an antiseptic effect.
poplar bark Requires 100g of crushed ingredients and 200ml of vodka. The mixture should be infused in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon twice a day after meals. The course of treatment is 10 days.
pumpkin seeds To normalize the condition, you need to take 30 tablets per day. Another 500 grams of raw material can be ground in a meat grinder and mixed with 200 grams of natural honey. Roll the balls out of the mixture and consume 1-2 per day. The course of treatment is 1 month. Medications should be stored in the refrigerator. It's important to be careful here: bee products are often allergenic.
coriander The seeds of the plant must be ground into powder. Next, 2 tsp. Pour the ingredients into 100 ml of water. The mixture must be boiled on low heat for 15 minutes. With prostatitis, you need to drink 1 teaspoon of fluids 3 times a day before meals.
garlic Need 3 cloves of vegetables chopped, put in a thermos, pour a cup of boiling water, soak overnight. Take on an empty stomach, 100 ml twice a day.
blooming sally 1 tablespoon required. l. Pour the crushed plants into 200ml of boiling water. After the infusion (40 minutes), filter the fluid and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. l.
baking soda For prostatitis, it acts as a preservative in the preparation of body washes and lotions. For this, 1 tablespoon. l. The powder is diluted in 1 liter of water. The liquid should cool slightly before use.
Propolis, dead bees Need to mix 1 part stock with 2 parts medical alcohol and refrigerate for 14 days. Also, dissolve 35 drops of the product in 100ml of hot milk and take 3 times a day before meals.
bilberry, birch, nettle, horsetail, goose five-leaf, sage leaf All herbs are taken in the same proportion, poured into water (250ml) and boiled for 15 minutes. The remedy is to take after meals, 50-100 ml.
sage Herbs significantly cope with suppurative prostatitis. Grind 100 grams of dry ingredients into powder. At first, swallow a small amount every 2-3 hours (also at night). After a few days, the grass is used 5-6 times for 4 days.
hydrogen peroxide Diluted with water for enema or flushing (according to the Neumyvakin method).

Also, you can use leeches for healing. They thin the blood and inject useful substances into the body. St. John's wort and milk thistle provide a diuretic effect that reduces inflammation. It is necessary to properly treat male prostatitis with folk remedies, follow the instructions for preparing home remedies step by step.

The benefits of exercise therapy and massage

Massage will help the patient fight the pathology. Reviews about it are positive because rubbing the prostate helps to remove stagnation, restore erectile function, and relieve swelling and pain. Blood circulation in the affected tissues is improved. Even a patient's wife can do it. It is important that her movements do not cause discomfort. Reviews of therapeutic massage are positive, but should be performed correctly, contraindications observed.

Also useful is gymnastics for prostatitis. Doing the simplest exercises every day is enough to quickly improve the condition of inflamed organs. Men need to take a semi-sitting position, alternately raising their knees. You can contract and relax your anal muscles for 10 seconds.

Nutrition Rules

Acute prostatitis is characterized by a very bright presentation. In the chronic type of pathology, there are periods of exacerbation and remission. Diet helps stabilize life processes. The diet should include vegetables and fruits, fresh juices, salads, nuts, lemons, celery. Menus are selected individually for each patient. If he follows the nutritional laws of prostatitis, he will be able to achieve the following effects:

  • Normalizes blood circulation in affected organs.
  • Boost immunity.
  • Stabilize intestinal function.
  • Reduces irritation to the bladder mucosa and eliminates pain.
  • Reduce the frequency of going to the bathroom at night.

Fats, spicy dishes, spices, espresso, alcohol should be excluded. To avoid relapse, you must follow a diet after recovery.

Additional advice for home treatment

A feature of prostatitis is a slow and often asymptomatic course. This situation is typical in the early stages of development. To get rid of this problem, you need to consider the following advice from your doctor:

  • Keep your weight within a normal range.
  • Remove all products made from wheat from the menu.
  • Take probiotics.
  • Replace animal protein with plant protein.
  • If you want to go to the toilet, you should not suffer (excluding the risk of developing an infectious process in the urinary tract).
  • Suffering from prostatitis, it is best to quit coffee and drink green tea instead.
  • Get into exercise (you shouldn't overload your body, all exercise is done during remission).
  • Drink enough fluids (so you can avoid poisoning your body).

The implementation of simple rules will allow you to overcome prostatitis quickly.

Prostatitis Lifestyle

In order to effectively restore the affected tissue after prostatitis, it is necessary to follow the treatment strategy chosen by the doctor. Do not abuse drugs. Men should not over-cool or overheat their genitals. It is best to avoid casual unprotected intercourse to avoid infection.

Behavioral changes include increased physical activity, dietary changes, and regular sex.

If a person has a sedentary job, then he needs to walk for 5 minutes per hour and perform simple gymnastics exercises.

sex therapy

Sex is great like a prostate massage, because during the process, organ tissue is reduced, microcirculation is improved, and a man's emotional state is stabilized. Regular sex life can prevent prostatic fluid stagnation. Men can use masturbation if they are unable to have sex with women. The main thing is to achieve the effect - ejaculation.

Complications and prevention of prostatitis

If prostatitis is not cured in time, then the man develops complications: urethritis, erection problems that can turn an impotent man into a healthy one. This disease is full of infertility. The protracted course of the pathological process triggers irreversible changes in the tissue. Subsequently, cancer develops. Prevention of prostatitis is that the patient follows the doctor's advice:

  • Exercise regularly and don't sit in one position for long periods of time.
  • Follow the principles of proper nutrition.
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle).
  • Quit bad habits.

Prostatitis is a dangerous condition that requires treatment at the first symptoms. Folk remedies, physiotherapy and medicines will help solve the problem quickly and effectively.